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Book and Eyeglasses


Our Leadership Team at the Tulare church consists of Shepherds, Ministers, and Deacons. Each group plays a critical role in the leadership function of the church.


The Shepherds oversee the work of the church and its people while seeking to keep us headed in the right direction. Each of the elders have a group they call on which contain about 30 people each. 

Our Ministers handle the preaching & teaching of God's word. Here at Tulare, we are blessed to have three on our full time staff,  each serves a different group for the building up and edification of the body. 

The Deacons have a project focused ministry that centers around their passions of services.


“It is a trustworthy statement: if any man aspires to the office of overseer, it is a fine work he desires to do.” (1 Timothy 3:1)

Joel Coppinger, elder.JPG

Joel Coppinger

Elder/ Shepherd

Larry Mapes, elder.JPG

Larry Mapes

Elder/ Shepherd

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Richard Brogan, elder.JPG

Wayne Clark

Richard Brogan

Elder/ Shepherd

Elder/ Shepherd


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Juan Mora

Spanish Minister

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Jerry Sisemore

Preaching Minister



Ira Porchia

Deacon of Education

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Eric White

Deacon of Administration

Ministry Leaders

Anker, Paul - Ministry Leader - Benevole

Paul Anker


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David Beason

Building Maintenance

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